Cam350 12.2 zip
Cam350 12.2 zip

В) All files placed in the Public Directory, by default, can be accessed by any member. With the Public Directory, everything is different. If you do not want to publish, then just do not publish the links, and in this case, no one will even guess that there is one or another file in your personal account. And if you have a desire to publish them, then you post a link in the network. With a private office, everything is simple, there are your personal files. Б)The site has two repositories: the Personal Account and the Public Directory. А) All uploaded and stored files can be downloaded by any member. To successfully exploit the capabilities of the Fileshop, you need to understand the basic logic of file storage. + the content of the file does not meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the file is deleted on demand, without additional clarification. But if the owner of the file is declared and he does not agree with the location of the file in the directory, he must inform the catalog administrator about it. Initially, it is assumed that the sender and the owner are one person. + at the request of the sender or owner of the file The file can be deleted for the following reasons: If the application does not receive a request to restore the file in the directory within a month, the file is deleted. The recommended maximum file size is 500 MB.įiles that are not in use for a long period are placed in temporary storage. For downloading files no fee will be charged.įilling files to the server can be of any size, but there is one important condition: The lifetime of dynamic links is 24 hours, so you should upload files of the size that can be downloaded by the recipient within 24 hours to the server. Archives should not have a password.ĭirectory files are freely available. For the placement of files are allowed, the content of which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.įiles must contain information that is the intellectual property of the sender.įiles can be compressed using the program archiver.

Cam350 12.2 zip